Monday, March 17, 2008

surprise surprise

the boi came back on wed, 2 days earlier than the would be date of 14 mar 08. The date I had kept locked in my head since it was exactly 1 month after V-day. And, more importantly, the day he would come back for good.

i came home from jogging with nht (yes, u 2 kept it from me really well!) at 11pm. The house was empty since the parents and sistas were overseas. Wanted to shower and knock out on the bed, when the doorbell rang and I saw the fat boi standing at the door with a bouquet.

When I think about it now, that moment wasn't very romantic at all. I was rather shocked. To the extent that I blurted in an interrogative tone, "What are you doing here?!". It wasn't like the movies at all when the female lead would haf a moment of realisation and run in slow mo towards the other with arms wide open. It was more like a pakistani refugee had ran away from his country and I was letting him into my house as I unlocked the gate, albeit him having flowers n all.

Ah well, it was a pleasant surprise nonetheless, and I love pleasant surprises. Love the flowers. Love the dior necklace. Love the boi for giving me a wicked surprise.


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