Tuesday, January 22, 2008

norahs: is AWAY from it all and may not reply

Yes, i'm getting my long-awaited respite from work and family and other mundane commitments, in exchange for more mundaneness - like cleaning up the fat boy's room in his dingy hotel. Will post before and after photo of his messy sty later.

So quitting the job didn't turn out to be such a great kick afterall. It wasn't a "So long suckers!!" kinda feeling I looked forward to from the first day I stepped into the office. Instead, there was a strange feeling of nostalgia and a sense of obligation towards the last remains of my job responsibilities. I guess that's what inspires pple to write farewell emails mass mailed to pple they have not even met/heard of before. Mails from strangers that i trash immediately, accompanied with a quiet swear of irritation at this egoistic resignee who assumes pple should give a bee's arse about his/her resignation. Note above behaviour is especially prevalent in times of crazy busy-ness, for instance in the months of Jan to Mar and July to Aug.

So, not wanting to provoke such responses, I consciously reminded myself not to send a farewell email which would only consist of frigidly-polite phrases thanking pple whom I should thank the least.

Meanwhile before I'm back to enter the next hell-hole (as Jon aptly puts it), I'm back to the land of bubble tea, quivering occasionally in the cold, non-heated hotel rm, enforcing a holiday routine of piano-playing and for the rest of the time, shopping, sleeping, eating and blogging maybe.

I leave you with a song I'm currently obsessed with: (yes another fagotty song! yay!)