Monday, March 10, 2008

Blacks in da neighhhbahoood

Read the Saturday newspapers (*gasps* as many of u know reading the papers takes a major amount of mental strength and coaxing for me) and came across this really interesting article documenting the lives of African visitors living amongst our Singaporean community.

Kudos to the journalist who kept in contact with the Nigerian/ Ghanian interviewees, tracking their short one month stay in Singapore (for as long as the tourist visa allows) to monitor how some attempt to create a new life for themselves by finding a job, making ends meet, or for some, getting hitched to locals, where some live happy married lives and others just get away after impregnating the girl.

Read a part of it from this link.

The stories were so entertaining I thought they could be fictionalised and written into novels.
It's awful cool to know there are blacks in the community too. I get psyched thinking there could be the emergence of a Singaporean hip hop culture, graffitied (more than the occasional swear word inscripted onto public amenities) walls and and.. hm. increased crime rate?
hehe.. watever.. I need some zz for now.

Ciaos! peace.

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